Some people have been asking why remainers like me are still campaigning and getting involved in political debate. So here are my considered reasons.
1. Flawed process. My view before the referendum and my view now is that it was badly thought out. Looking at common practice in many other countries, including Switzerland which seems to know a thing or two about this type of democratic exercise, a threshold (whether size or majority or the four nation lock) is seen as a sensible approach when addressing major constitutional change. This referendum was always likely to be close and as such was always going to result in protest from one side or another.
2. Because the result was so close, the views of Remain need to continue to be heard in efforts to shape the view of what the UK's future relationship with the EU.
3. The need for a general election. This is what I'm most passionate about. Yes there was a vote to Leave the EU, there was NOT a vote on what that would be in practical terms, future relationship with the EU etc. There could well be 17m views of what that is. The negotiating and decision-making power for this rests with parliament. For these reasons we need a general election so that negotiating positions can be put to the public and democratically debated. I may well not like the outcome of this but people would hopefully know what the choices are and the government would have a clear view of the outcome wanted.
4. The need for political change. It is clear that our current political parties are disconnected with the electorate. Long term I'd like proportional representation to be revisited but right now the time seems ripe for new political parties/movements to emerge or progressive coalitions to emerge. The old Conservative/Labour binary appraoch is no longer serving us well (if it ever did). This post is long enough so I'll discuss this in another one.
So I hope you understand that my political activity comes from concern for the future, from a belief in political engagement, and firm principles - not because I'm just being bloody minded