Stitched Selves at the Science Museum
Jun 30, 2010
An army of 15cm knitted and stitched figures took the Science Museum by storm this evening as part of the latest Sciemce museum late event.
Organised by Stitch London the "stitched selves" were self portraits of their makers and with more than 250 on show it made an interesting exhibit in terms of the detail on show, the techniques and what peoplethought was significant about themselves.
Here are a few photos to give a flavour of the event.
Personally I think I'm one of the most threatening looking of the group - it's the way I grip the sword as if I'm about to break out over the slashed remains of my fellows.
Meanwhile Elaine sits glamourously by as if waiting for cocktails with Caroline who was sadly at the other end of the display.
Some selves were real glam-pusses,
some used interesting
And one was even dressed in her Science Museum uniform
Look I'm really really in a Science Museum case!
And just a few more