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April 2011

Knitting & Crochet Blog Week - Aspirational lace

6knitbloglogo I love knitted lace. I'm fascinated by the different traditions round the world. Intrigued by the construction. And truly enjoy learning how a new pattern comes together.

I'm using my #11in11 shawl project to learn as much as I can because this year is when I meet my aspiration of designing my own lace.

I'm already seeking inspiration from childhood places in Donegal. "Rossnowlagh" needs nupps to represent the little apples from its history while "Coolmore" needs waves of scalloped eyelets and jagged shapes to call to mind the Creek, the beach below our cliff top house (you can see the  cliff below).

Watch this space, I'll be sharing swatches in a while. Meanwhile you can read other day 6 aspirations here.

image from