Totally unravelled
Auntie B - an internet knitting whizz

Highgate Knitters - crafting in a craft brewery

It's more than a year since Anke Holst and I started a knitting group in The Bull brew pub in Highgate, London.

We'd never met before our first knit night - although we knew several people in common including my sister - but luckily we got on with each other and the venue.

Since then we've met lots of lovely knitters, taught people to knit and made new friends - and more recently I was interviewed about Highgate Knitters in a feature on knitting groups in The Knitter.

We meet every Tuesday evening from 7pm and the pub usually reserves a table for us - if you are ever in the area do come and join us, to chat, knit, crochet, learn or just admire each others' yarn.

Knitting groups 1

Knitting groups 2
