Farewell to Penguins – changing my business name.
Farewell to Penguins – changing my business name.

Farewell to Penguins – changing my business name.


New year new name

Today marks the first step in changing my business identity. As of today, my social media and Payhip pattern store are all changing to BronaghKnits.

When I started designing, I didn’t expect it to become such a large part of my life so I relied on my existing Ravelry and social media tag of LaPurplePenguin – a name that was partly a personal joke.

However, as I have increased my designing portfolio and working more and more for magazines, teaching in person and online all under my actual name this doesn’t really make sense. Over the past year I have noticed that I have been referred to simply as “Bronagh” on other people’s feeds, sites and podcasts. With that in mind, I have decided to step out from the penguin’s shadow and use my real name.

I chose BronaghKnits because it sums up what I do – I knit to create patterns, I knit for my health and write about it some times like in Knitting issue 226, I knit to create class and video tutorials (more coming this year) and I knit to help with your specific skill needs.

The first step is to change the social media, then there will be a new logo, a new blog (though I’ll probably run two in parallel for a bit), a new YouTube channel and a new website over the next few months.

I thought about holding off on any changes until everything is ready but that would allow me to procrastinate for every and this was I can start introduce the changes and take you with me on the journey.

And yes, there are worries about some people losing track of me temporarily but I think overall having Bronagh clearly in my names will make it easier for people over all to find me. So it is a bit scary but probably worth it in the end.

So you can find me on:

Instagram - @bronaghknits

Twitter - @BronaghKnits

Facebook page - BronaghKnits 

Facebook group – Knit with Bronagh, because that’s what I hope you will do.

And my Payhip pattern store is here

Meanwhile, you can sign up for my newsletter to keep up with developments.
