Making a new (or several) new starts
Apr 24, 2016
This used to be an active blog with plenty of updates about projects, making, yarns etc - and then it wasn't.
Part of the reason might have been the amount of blog content I was writing elsewhere, but the main reason was that life happened.
2015 was a tough year. It is one that I will always associate mainly with grief and physical pain.
Which isn't to say that there weren't any highs. There were opportunities to take on new projects that draw on a range of my skills, I won two competitions for knitting design, chances to visit new places and great times with family and friends.
My wining design for Knitting magazine
But grieving and dealing with pain used up a lot of energy and as much as I am by nature a battler, I ran out of steam. So much so that for a while I was finding it hard to pursue opportunities and even to set fingers to keyboard. My head was still buzzing with ideas but I wasn't always getting them out there.
As result I entered 2016 needing some change and the first quarter of the year has been focused on achieving that.
Some of that has been physical. The start of the year featured a lot of physio and rehab exercise which means I'm in less pain and am more active. Last week I attended my first fencing session in nearly a year. Getting back to those particular pointy sticks was energising and gave me a boost for other activities.
But mainly the change is about my work focus. I have stopped working on something that I was no longer enjoying and which was perhaps stopping me chasing other opportunities - and already I'm replacing that lost income from new projects and expanding existing one.
Although I've laughed at the Japanese idea of decluttering by holding each object in your hand and only keeping those that give you a feeling of joy - it would probably take a life time to go through my clutter - I have been doing something similar mentally in terms of work and goals.
Part of this process is giving time to (and keeping that time) for doing what makes me feel positive lifewise as well as workwise, which means:
- Setting aside time to blog regularly including:
- completing the promised set of posts on decoding cable knitting
- talking more about the creative projects I'm involved in and why you might like them too
- sharing the development of designs and patterns
- reviewing the new yarns I try
It may also means reviving a second blog for my political and social issue musings - Making part of my working week about my own designs which means:
- sorting out my sketch book and the assorted other scraps of paper
- writing up designs I've already made
- giving myself a kick up the backside about actually submitting designs to magazines etc. I did this in the last few days and have a commission as a result. Just need to do it more
- taking more pictures
- Teach more. I love helping people develop new or improve their skills whether that be knitting and crochet, business and social media or other crafts such as jewellery or braiding. So I will be developing some new workshop ideas and looking for opportunities to teach. If you are looking for a tutor for an event check out what I can do and get in touch.
- Allow myself time for learning and creativity. Some people might think that someone whose working life involves writing and working with knitting patterns might have plenty of creativity going on already. But stimulation beyond work is important to keep you active and fresh.
Towards the end of last year I took a couple of online photography courses. This meant setting aside time to join online seminars and to do my homework. I found that not only did I learn a lot from the classes but the homework time was stimulating for all my creative projects.
So the plan for this year is to have some time each week to do more online courses or attend a workshop and also to explore new sewing and jewellery-making techniques. With this in mind I've signed up to a sewing magazine and started an online wire weaving courses, so expect more posts on these topics as well as more experiments in resin.
Early wire weaving attempt
Even writing this has made me feel positive so I'm looking forward with new energy and new plans. Roll on the remainder of 2016 and beyond.